
Digital SkillUp Webinar Series: Closing the digital skills gap II - challenges and opportunities for SMEs and start-ups

The Digital SkillUp project is slowly coming to its end, but its mission is livelier than ever!

Join our final webinar of the series on Monday 13 December, from 16.00 to 17.30 CET organised in collaboration with IMPACT EdTechThe European EdTech Incubator-Accelerator. 

We will have an animated discussion around the role of tech and EdTech SMEs and Start-ups in in upskilling and reskilling their staff, citizens, learners and SME workforce from other sectors. The discussion will be also an opportunity to dive into the implementation of new and emerging technologies in SMEs and the new business models coming along. 

The event will also introduce the contents developed in the Digital SkillUp initiative to tackle upskilling challenges in emerging technologies, such as the creation of tailored learning paths and business cases to inspire the SMEs to adopt such technologies. 

In the breakout session we will then discuss with the audience new approaches to trainings for emerging technologies, which have been designed to keep the pace with the fast-changing nature of such applications and collect feedback on the effectiveness of these new learning pathways. 


16.00 – 16.10 Opening and welcome – The core role of SME in digital upskilling and in the up taking of emerging technologies in Europe 

16.10 – 16.05 Introduction – European Schoolnet – Digital SkillUp initiative's core aspects and key findings 

16.05 – 16.35 Success stories from the SME sector 

Moderation: DSME 

  • How to upskill a tech SME in digital skills? 

  • The role of tech and edtech SMEs and start-ups in supporting digital upskilling for European citizens, learners, training providers and also other SMEs in tech and other sectors.

  • The role of tech and edtech SMEs in the process of uptaking new and emerging technologies across various business sectors.

16.35 – 17.15 Parallel sessions - How can we close the digital skill gap together? 

The audience will be split in 3 breakout rooms to discuss the innovative approaches to upskilling in emerging technologies

 17.15 – 17.25 Wrap-up and results of the discussions 

17.25 – 17.30 Conclusions