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Initiatives on digital skills

Emerging technologies are changing the world we live and work in with an unprecedented speed, bringing about the need for new skills and digital competence for all. Yet, almost half of European citizens lack even basic digital skills. On this page we selected some of the most prominent initiatives and programmes on digital skills throughout Europe to help you make sense of the bigger picture.

What do we mean by digital competence?

Digital competence refers to the set of knowledge and skills required to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) and digital media to perform tasks, solve problems and communicate effectively at work and in daily life. Take a look at the main European frameworks, which translate and outline core areas of digital competence and aim to offer a common definition of digital skills throughout the EU Member States.

Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp)

The Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) can help with self-evaluation, setting learning goals, identifying training opportunities and facilitating job search. Since 2013, DigComp has served as the basis for many programmes and upskilling initiatives.

All citizens
European Union
Digital skills


European Commission European e-competence framework (e-CF)

The European e-Competence Framework offers a common language to connect recruiters and ICT professionals. It provides a reference of 41 information and communication technology (ICT) competencies, skills, and knowledge requirements.

ICT professionals
European Union
Digital skills


Cedefop, European Commission European Qualifications Framework (EQF)

The main purpose of the EQF is to make qualifications more readable and understandable across countries and systems to support students’ and workers’ cross-border mobility. This European reference framework links qualification systems throughout Europe, and is implemented by EU Member States via individual national qualification frameworks.

All citizens
European Union
Digital skills


Do you want to know more about current digital trends?

With the rapid speed of digitalisation and emerging technologies, the ecosystem of technology is changing fast – and jobs and occupations follow suit. The publications below can give you an overview of digital trends, developments, and the future of work.

European Commission Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)

Digital competence varies across industry sectors and EU Member States. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) tracks and analyses countries' digital performance across 6 key indicators: connectivity, human capital/digital skills, use of Internet services, integration of digital technology, digital public services, and research and development in ICT. DESI also measures countries’ performance in the integration of emerging technologies such as AI, IoT and cybersecurity by companies.

All citizens
European Union
Digital skills and economy


European Commission, DG CONNECT Future of work? Work of the future (Report)

There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is a gamechanger when it comes to the world of work. But will artificial robots really take over the world of work? Which jobs will disappear, and which will stay? This report attempts to answer these questions by looking at key society and labour shifts in the past to equip you with a thorough understanding of what is made possible (or not) by AI.

All citizens
European Union
Emerging technologies


The World Economic Forum (WEF) The Future of Jobs Report

The Future of Jobs Report is the World Economic Forum’s tracks global trends on skills. WEF’s annual publication takes stock of the state of play of the economic market and employment needs, requirements, and supply. The report puts forward a global economic outlook for skills and jobs, combining technology and employment forecasts to provide foresight and make information and statistics on technology and digital available and accessible to all.

All citizens
European Union
Technology and employment


Which initiatives can help you upskill and embark on a career in emerging technologies?

The initiatives below can help you chart your own learning path and open the window to a new career in digital and emerging technologies. See some of the main upskilling initiatives and programmes, which can help you get the knowledge and skills you need to secure employment and advance further.

European Institute of Technology, European Commission EIT Digital

This innovative initiative is dedicated to ensuring no European stays behind technological developments and has access to adequate support in learning. EIT Digital Master School’s programmes will show you a more structured and linear path to professional development and the qualifications to open the door to the job you want.

European Union
Digital skills


ENISA – the European Union Cybersecurity Agency CyberHEAD (Cybersecurity Higher Education Database)

The CyberHEAD database is the starting point for anyone interested in embarking on a career in cybersecurity. With more than 130 cybersecurity education programmes in 24 countries, Cybersecurity Higher Education Database (CyberHEAD) is the largest cybersecurity higher education database in the European Union and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries.

Young professionals
European Union


European Student Network (ESN) Digital Opportunity Traineeships

The Digital Opportunity Traineeships initiative, funded through the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, targets recent graduates and students in fields related to digital, looking for opportunities in the tech sector. Connecting graduates to companies, SMEs and NGOs in various sectors, this initiative supports employability for students and the capacity of businesses to find skilled workforce. Traineeships can be carried out in a range of emerging technologies (blockchain, AI, quantum computing, cybersecurity) or within the context of software and digital marketing.

Young people
European Union
Any sector of IT
