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Helpful resources

There are many ways to upskill in the digital world of today and the European training landscape offers a variety of resources, tailored to support individual learning. On this page, you can find training and learning resources that can help you develop and enhance your digital competence – and remain competitive in an ever-changing world.

Are you interested in assessing your digital competence?

Digital skills are becoming essential to participating in the labour market, access public services online, and in everyday life. The self-assessment tools we selected below can help you evaluate your skills according to the common EU competence frameworks. Assess your skills, see how you compare to your peers, and know where you stand in the world of digital.

Digital Skills Accelerator Self-Assessment tool

This tool, aligned with DigComp framework, tests your skills in 5 key areas of digital competence. If you have no idea of your digital ‘readiness’, use this tool to receive a personalised radar chart to visualise your strong and weak areas.

All citizens
E-SkillsMatch e-Competence Self-Assessment Tool

e-Skills Match helps you bridge the gap between the skills you have, and the skills you need to succeed. Find suggestions for courses, a self-assessment tool, and connect to employer who are looking for the skills you are in the process of honing. If you have some background and experience in digital, but do not feel confident to branch out yet, test your knowledge with this tool and access relevant opportunities.

Employers and employees
Digital Competence Test

Self-assessment tests offered by the platform are based on the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp2.1) and for DigComp Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu). In under 20 minutes, the tool provides a personalised report on key areas. Background information and supporting learning resources can also be accessed through the platform.

All citizens
The Digital Competence Wheel

The Digital Competence Wheel is an easy-to-use self-assessment tool, based on the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp). The tool provides an overview of individual level of digital knowledge, highlights strong aspects and identifies areas for improvement. It also generates an interactive report and draws comparisons across results.

All citizens

Are you looking for resources on digital skills to upskill and train your employees?

With the digitalisation of processes and services, small and medium sized enterprises and larger companies increasingly require a digitally skilled workforce. The resources below can help you train and upskill your employees, build a futureproof workforce, and give you a competitive edge.

DataSkills4SMEs Resource Repository

The DataSkills4SMEs project, co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, aims to equip small and SMEs in acquiring data skills. The project’s resources include a wide range of innovative digital tools to help businesses deal with data management issues and prepare their workforce for the future. Discover cross-sectoral studies, videos and webinars, and e-learning resources to foster your employees’ proficiency in data.

European e-Competence lessons for SMEs

This resource will give you a good overview of the European e-Competence Framework, which provides a ‘common language’ to connect ICT and digital professionals and recruiters, facilitating matching of skills with recruitment needs and facilitating organisational upskilling and reskilling. These short video lessons will help you understand why digital competence standards are important and guide you step by step towards implementing the framework within your SME.

Cyberwiser.EU Training resources

Cyberwiser.eu is a project, funded through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, which aims to close the cybersecurity skills gap for SMEs. The platform offers a self-assessment tool for SMEs, interested in assessing their employees’ knowledge when it comes to security and data, and training courses for employees from basic to advanced level.

Digital Transformation Quick Check Tool

This tool can help SMEs perform a quick quality check on where their company currently stands when it comes to digital technologies’ deployment, uptake and reskilling. Through 20 questions, this tool can help you understand the effects and challenges of the digital transformation and guide you to develop an organisational strategy that is tailored to your business needs.

ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) Resource Database

I4MS is a European initiative for digitalising the manufacturing industry. The platform supports digital innovation in SMEs in the sector, through technological and financial assistance to SMEs interested in upskilling their workforce and upgrading their services. The Resource database offers a variety of video material, workshops and training resources, offered at various levels, from beginner to digital expert. A training catalogue on technologies like IoT, AI, data science, cybersecurity and others.