Organizatorzy szkoleń

Become a leading voice in online education

The Digital SkillUp Course Catalogue delivers your training offer straight to the citizens and workforce of Europe, making it available and accessible to all. We already have 100+ courses in the Catalogue – and yours could be the next one.

Give additional visibility to your content

Get your training content across to the citizens and workforce of 20+ countries, enhance the impact of your upskilling initiatives, and reach a wide and diverse European audience. Get to know our audience here.

Submit a course to the Catalogue

Check our catalogue and our guidelines and propose your training offer. Drive more traffic to your website and highlight your contribution to the EU training sphere.

Learn from good practices and see what has worked for others

Learn from the experience of other experts in the field and discover successful training approaches to inspire and innovate your curricula.

Get further insight on the state-of-play of digital skills

Read our research and findings and improve your understanding of the current European training landscape and the skills needs of citizens and SMEs.

Share your knowledge through our online events

Take part in a series of online events for training providers from webinars to workshops and more. Share your knowledge and engage with a wide network of stakeholders throughout Europe.

Get inspired by good practices by other training providers

@ Svitlana -

appliedAI by UnternehmerTUM Courses


NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute’s courses

@ Jacob Lund -

Sustainable AI in Business

Ready to submit a course to the Digital SkillUp Catalogue?

Find out more about our quality criteria and share your training offer with us via a short online form. Our checklist can guide you on the way.